Looking for some FREE resources?

We want to make behavioural economics, behavioural science and the psychology of choice, decision-making, and action accessible to everyone. Plus we all love some free stuff!

Here, you'll find a variety of free resources to help you learn, including a sneak peek at our library. We'll be adding more over time, so don't forget to check back. Then, when you're ready to learn more, you'll have a head start on our courses.

Show me the goodies!

What's on our bookshelves?
Learning is in our DNA
We love to learn, here at Behaviology Towers.

Click on the photo above to see our reading list. If it seems like a lot, remember that:

a) we've been studying this for years, and 

b) we distill our learning down into the key things you need to know in our range of introductory and specialist courses!
FREE e-book
Be one of the first to read our new e-book, Decision-Making for Small Businesses.

Its a straightforward guide to improving decision-making, written specifically for small business owners, solopreneurs and those thinking of starting a business.

Click on the icon above!

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower businesses & individuals by understanding the science of behaviour. 

Behaviology means understanding your customers better - making it easier to attract, satisfy & retain them.

Behaviology means understanding yourself & your people better - making you more productive & efficient.

Behaviology means spotting attempts to influence you in someone else's interests - saving you time & money.
We love learning about people, and learning in general (have a look at our library)!

We want to bring that passion to you, so it can help you in your life. All our courses are planned, recorded and edited based on 3 core principles:
  • We bring evidence-based, proven knowledge & translate it into what works.
  • We're open about the fact that we're dealing with people - nothing works for everybody, all the time, so we give you alternatives rather than claiming "one size fits all".
  • We understand what its like to run a smaller business - we translate the learning into ways to use theory easily & quickly.

Frequently asked questions

What courses do you offer?

We're currently developing our courses. To have your say about where we should focus, complete the questionnaire on the home page and help us prioiritise!

What do you offer that I can't get elsewhere?

You might have read that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. That's equivalent to 3 hours a day for over 9 years. 

We're significantly over that level. We combine that level of knowledge & research with real life experience:
  • working in companies large and small,
  • building, running and selling a business
  • experiencing, understanding (as much as a non-specialist can) & living with neurodiversity
  • parenting & acting as a carer
  • living with a disability/chronic illness

Its the combination of all these that brings a unique understanding not only of the subject, but also why, when & how to use it in real life.
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